The Megan Aroon Travel Art Series

The Megan Aroon Travel Art Series

four national park paintings in the meganaroon travel art series

Tired of boring travel art? Well then, you've come to the right place!

The most fun, unique travel art you've ever seen! Why stick to the same, unoriginal art that is continually repeated, when you can have vibrant, colorful, original PoP Art to commemorate the favorite places you've visited.

The MeganAroon Travel art series is all about embracing your uniqueness, love of art, and the special places you've traveled to, or plan to. This series of original paintings is like nothing else out there. Each work of art takes you to a familiar place, but at the same time is comprised of a world of color, whimsy, and just plain ole fun!

And there is no Digital, or AI "art" here! Each piece is hand drawn and painted solely by me, contemporary artist Megan Aroon. I am a world renowned artist know for love of color and whimsy that transports you to another world through art. And this new Travel Series is no exception.

Join me on this journey to explore places around the U.S. and the world through fantastical art and color. To rejoice in the beauty of our planet in my magical wonderland of paintings.

In addition to the larger sized original travel paintings, I have also started a new sketchbook series that will explore different places I've traveled to and how I want them to be painted on a larger scale.  I will be experimenting with themes, colors, style and whatever else I feel I want to get better at, or see how it works in my style of art.

Here are some of the recent Sketchbook paintings in my travel diary ~  

joshua tree national park original sketchbook painting by MeganAroon    
"Desert Life" inspired by Joshua Tree National Park
Living in a van can make it really hard to get into a routine with my art. And I know from past experience how important daily creation is to keep me inspired as an artist. So, I'm going to start a new sketchbook series of little travel inspired paintings to create in the mornings. These are small enough, and quick enough to just get the creative juices flowing, and still leave time to work on my larger, more detailed travel paintings.

I've felt out of touch with my art, and not as motivated as I normally do, just because I get wrapped up in the traveling and exploring all the beautiful places #vanlife takes me. But, I NEED to paint, not just because it's my full time job, but because it's a part of who I am, and without it, I don't feel a whole, fulfilled person.
arches national park the delicate arch iconic landmark original painting by MeganAroon
"Delicate Arch" the Iconic Utah Landmark at Arches National Park

So, whenever I have down time and I'm not visiting places to get my art inspo for, I will be focused on getting as much creative time in as I can, and forming a habit of creating art on a mostly daily basis. Sometimes travel, and hiking the National Parks and other landmarks doesn't leave much time, but I don't do that every day. For instance, right now I am parked up in one area for the next few weeks, and can get LOTS of painting time in!

Excited to see what I can come up with for the sketchbook series of travel paintings. I'm going to play around with different color themes as well, and different elements, just to stretch my creativity and explore new things with my art.  My favorite acrylics paints to create the bold, rich vibrant colors you always see in my art is from Liquitex.  I've tried just about every brand out there and Liquitex is always my go to.  I particularly love their fluorescent line of paints.  Here's a link to a basic set of the fluorescents, I highly recommend!
Fun Funky Happy House Original Pastel Colored girly sketchbook art by MeganAroon
"Candylicious" a fun, happy house original sketchbook painting as a color study
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